


Our junior high global course uses the Oxford English: An International Approach series of textbooks. This is a native level textbook series from the U.K. that teaches English language arts through science topics – perfect for Risu-Inter!
中学グローバルコースでは、Oxford English: An International Approachをテキストとして使用しています。これは実際にネイティブレベルシリーズとしてイギリス国内で使用されており、科学的なトピックを通して国語(英語)を学習するのに使われています。まさに理数インターには理想的なテキストです。

The third year class studied a unit in this textbook about future technology. Astronomy, space travel, and robotics were the main topics.

Asimo has a whole page in the textbook. We decided that after reading about Asimo and future technology it would be great if we could go and experience it for ourselves.

Asimo, a lot of Japan’s newest technology, Nobel prize winner Hideki Shirakawa, and many other things we had studied in our textbook are at the nearby Miraikan! It was a perfect study opportunity for us.

Here are some students’ comments about the unit and the trip to the Miraikan:

I saw Asimo in the Miraikan. We learned a lot about him.

I had never seen Asimo, so I was surprised about him. He can move and speak with people. It was a good experience and I had a lot of fun!

There were a lot of exhibits on each floor and the ips cell exhibit had the biggest impression on me.

Asimo’s movement was really smooth. It was like watching a man wearing a space suit. It was a great experience and I hope we can take a field trip again

We learned about robots in the textbook, but one look at Asimo at the science museum meant a lot more than hundreds of readings from the text book. I had interest in robots so it was a really good experience for me.



グローバルコース担当  Matthew Thomas Rosandich

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